Artificial Intelligence Powered Solutions

Uniting AI-Powered Insights with Public Safety to Help Keep Communities Safer

Veritone Public Safety & Legal Solutions

Veritone Public Safety Solutions is a comprehensive suite of digital tools that help public safety professionals improve their response times and accuracy. From recognizing license plates to analyzing audio recordings and surveillance footage, you get the tools that make it easier for law enforcement, fire and rescue, and emergency services to protect their communities.

Veritone Redaction for public safety is a powerful and easy-to-use software solution for law enforcement and public safety professionals. With this software, users can quickly and easily remove personally identifiable information (PII) from video, audio, and documents to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Veritone Redaction offers an intuitive user interface, automated workflow, and powerful editing tools to help users quickly and accurately redact sensitive information. Redaction is the perfect solution for any law enforcement or public safety agency that needs to keep sensitive information secure while still providing the public with access to important records. NEW – Redaction Service Saves Your Resources for Other Tasks

Veritone Transcription & Translation for public safety is an essential tool for law enforcement and other public safety organizations. It provides a powerful, real-time platform for transcribing and translating audio recordings of conversations, interviews, and interrogations into written documents. With the advanced speech recognition and natural language processing technology, Veritone Transcription & Translation can quickly and accurately transform audio into text. The platform is also equipped with automatic tagging of conversations, keyword search, and support for multiple languages. With Veritone Transcription & Translation for public safety, organizations can ensure accuracy and consistency in their recordings and ensure that all relevant conversations and interviews are properly documented.

Veritone Illuminate helps police and other public safety personnel identify suspects and investigate crime scenes faster, more accurately, and more efficiently. With its powerful AI-driven analytics engine, Illuminate also provides public safety personnel with actionable insights that can help them develop more effective strategies to reduce crime and improve public safety. 

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